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Units Of Measure

Units of measure are helpful to handle a product no matter the size, weight, and quantity it has. In fact, a product can be purchased into various units (piece, box) and sold in the same unit or on one of them. NexoPOS 4.x provides an intuitive way to create and manage units of measures. However, as units depend on Unit Group, these must be created before.

Create A Unit Of Measure

The unit of a measure designed as a "unit" within NexoPOS 4.x are available from the "Inventory" menu. To create a new unit of measure, click on "Create Unit".

This takes you to a form where you can provide a name and fill other information such as :

  • Preview URL : a graphical representation of the unit (but it's not mandatory).
  • Value : the actual value of the unit. We'll explain further how this should be filled.
  • Group : the unit group to which you want to assign the Unit.
  • Base Unit : to determine whether a unit is the base unit of the group or not.
  • Description : If necessary to describe the unit.

About Base Unit

A base unit works as a pivot. unit conversion is made. A Unit Group can only have 1 base unit at a time. For example, if you plan to sell "Coca Cola" as a product, you might want to sell it as a "bottle" or "pack of bottles". The base unit should always be the smallest unit from a group, this means in our example, the base unit is "bottle". The value of that "bottle" unit will therefore be "1" and for the pack of bottles, let's say since it has 6 bottles, the value will be "6".

Managing Units

After having created a unit, you'll be redirected to a page that lists all units created so far within an abstract table component. This tables allow you to edit or delete the units.

By deleting a unit, that won't remove previous reference of the unit on the orders products. However, that unit won't be available to select either for the procurement and the sale.