Mail: [email protected] Phone: +1(424)231-4091

Regarding Licenses

All purchased items on My NexoPOS Platform are subject to a unique license that must be used within a project. A license can only be used once at a time. If the license is used in a staging environment, before moving to production, that license should be deactivated. One project can have multiple licenses for the same product, but one license cannot be used on two different projects.

The user is responsible for enabling and disabling his licenses on his server. In case the server where licenses are activated goes down and is therefore inaccessible for the user, we can proceed to deactivation from our end. However, abusive deactivation requests regarding a single license will be rejected.

Marketplace Access

The access to the marketplace is open to every users, however some extension might have a prior requirement before being purchased. As NexoPOS is a free software, purchase of it's extensions however requires a purchase of a NexoPOS license which gives:

  • Support on NexoPOS
  • Installation Service

To be sure to cover all customers needs, having the support for NexoPOS is therefore required to buy it's extension.

Regarding Support

One year of support is included in every purchase. This also includes having access to updates. The customer should clearly indicate for which project he request support. The support from one project cannot be transferred to another project or to another user on the platform.

After every purchase of NexoPOS, a free installation service is granted to the customer. Afterward, under extended support, My NexoPOS Platform team is available to help on the following tasks :

  • Installing modules
  • Updating modules
  • Fixing issues
  • Assist on NexoPOS configuration

Support Conditions

While we would like at most to support all our customers, we have some restrictions that might apply and limit our teams from providing useful help. We're therefore not able to support if:

  • You have made modification to the core of NexoPOS (you're invited to create a module for your modifications)
  • You're using an old version of NexoPOS. Support is limited to up to date minor version (If NexoPOS version is 5.3.4, from 5.3.1 to 5.3.99) are supported.
  • Your support has expired.

How Support Is Provided

We have specific ways of providing support to our customers. When an error is reported we're expecting to have a clear description of the error, in a way that allows us to reproduce it in a fresh installation of NexoPOS. If we're unable to understand and reproduce the issue, we might access the customers computer (with his authorization) to see the error in real time and being able to reproduce it. Once the error is reproducible, we'll start working on a fix which will lead to a release (either module of core).

In rare scenarios, we apply an immediate patch to the customer installation, if we have reasons to believe the issue is a severe flaw to the system or the data integrity.

For each of our interventions, we clearly describe what was possibly the issue and how the user can prevent solving it in the future. The customer cannot abusively request support regarding the same matter if it occurs because of his action.

What Support is Not

When a customer is entitled to a support service, our team is available to help him during our Working Hours. We're not able to help the customers:

  • Perform data-entry on his system
  • Make settings configurations on his behalf
  • Make files adjustment on-demand

Regarding Refunds

Every purchase module (app) purchase is likely to be refunded, and on each refund, the user balance is updated accordingly. Here are the reasons for which a refund can be granted :

  • The item is not working as described.
  • The customer has made a purchase by mistake and has not activated the license.
  • The support hasn't been given during a reasonable period of time. Usually, the customer should expect from 3 to 5 days to have a solution on a matter.

Here are the reasons why the refund can't be granted :

  • The item is not working as common sense expects.
  • The client of the user has canceled the project.
  • The client performed changes that caused the instability of the items
  • The end client of our client hasn't paid this latest.
  • The user server is not compatible with our solutions.

Account Termination

The customer might request an account termination at any time. Note that an account termination will involve clearing all data created by the user including purchases, which can't, later on, be recovered. The customer is always invited to contact us if he believes there is a service we didn't provide.

We might also terminate an account if we believe the account is subject to the prohibited behaviors mentioned down below.

Regardless of the manual or automatic account termination, the remaining balance will be refunded to the customer by any means linked to his account or provided during the termination process.

Regarding Prohibited Behaviors

One of the following actions from the users might lead to immediate action from the platform which can suspect temporary or permanently a user account. Here are the prohibited behaviors :

  • Going against the current terms of use.
  • Misuse My NexoPOS brands without prior authorization.
  • Overloading the support with intensive and repetitive requests. You might get a warning when we believe the requests are getting abusive.
  • Reselling our items without prior authorization.
  • Any attempts to hack or go against the normal process of the platform.
  • A single license is successfully used on more than one installation at a time.
  • Being aggressive and disrespectful while talking to the team or interacting with the other community members publicly.