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Providers are a company or a person from which procurement is made. NexoPOS 4.x provides a way to create manage the providers. While you're able to assign a procurement to a provider, you're also able to track the amount owe or paid to these latest.

Create Providers

The providers have a dedicated menu on the sidebar. Click on that menu then on "Create A Provider".

This takes you to a form where you can fill various information about the provider : name, email, address, phone number, etc.

Once you're done, click on "Save" and you'll be redirected to the list of providers created so far.

Managing Providers

The list of providers displays the providers created so far within an abstract table component along with further details such as the amount owed and paid. This table provides the following actions: edit, see procurements, delete.

While deleting a provider, it won't delete all the procurement attached to this latest. These procurements might end up not attached to no one and therefore not visible. This behavior is likely to change in the future.