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Everything you need to know about NexoPOS.
A business is not only made of sales but also expenses. To be able to find out if your business is profitable, you need to know if based on your incomes and expenses, you're head is above the water. This guide will describe everything you need to understand for using the accounting on NexoPOS 4.x.
The accounting feature requires having NexoPOS 4.x properly configured. If you have set "supervisor" as a manager for asynchronous operations, you need to make it it's still running. This means, if you're having the following notification, you should probably make sure to fix that in priority.
NexoPOS supports two types of accounts: debit and credit account.
Those accounts usually record every transaction that is classified as an expense. For example, a refund, paying salaries are created with the type "debit".
Those accounts usually record every transaction considered as an income. Among that classification, you can include sales and cash-in mostly.
On NexoPOS, you can create as many accounts as you want that will help to distinguish every transaction individually. You can for example create an account for employee salaries, activities charges, unexpected charges, refunds, etc. Proceeding like so will give a good overview of your business activity.
In order to create an account, you need to head to the "Accounting > Create Account" menu.
From there, you'll need to :
After having created your account, you'll head to the accounts list. From now, we need to assign the account to a specific transaction. For that, we need to head to the accounting settings.
From there, you'll see a list of supported transactions that can be assigned to a specific account.
Here is an example of our settings. As you can see, we've set a procurement account (debit) that will record every procurement expense, we've also set a sales (credit) for recording every sales transaction, then the customer credit account (credit) for recording every deposit made by a customer on his account, etc.
Once you're done, don't forget to save your settings.
The cash flow report shows a summary of every transaction that has occurred on the system. When you have correctly configured your accounting, you might end up with a report like so.