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No Dashboard

From NexoPOS 4.7.x, a user can have more than one role. However, each role can have a specific or no dashboard assigned to it. If you're facing a "No Dashboard" issue, this means that all the roles assigned to the user don't have any dashboard assigned.

Assigning A Dashboard

This step is required as it will help you determine what is the homepage of the user's dashboard. We'll head the roles and search for the role assigned to the user.

We'll now make sure to edit that role and assign a dashboard to it.

From now, make sure to update your role and proceed. If the issue persists, please let us know at [email protected].

Multirole with MultiStore

When you're using the multistore module, you'll need to have only one from the roles assigned to the user having a dashboard identifier assigned (different from "No Dashboard").

If use a role to restrict the user access, then that role must not have a dashboard assigned (No Dashboard).