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2. Download And Build

There are many ways to download and install NexoPOS either locally or remotely. Each solution has its own pros and cons. No matter the solution you'll choose, Composer is a permanent requirement.

Download On CodeCanyon

The full version of NexoPOS 4.x is available on CodeCanyon. By purchasing on CodeCanyon you also get :

  • $40 in credit for every purchase in our marketplace
  • Dedicated Support
  • Installation Service
  • Eligibility for customization

The free version doesn't have these benefits. Therefore, no refund can't be granted if later on, a user discovered the free and limited version.

Once you've purchased NexoPOS 4.x, you need to head to your downloads and get the installation file.

Download From Github

You can download the free version of NexoPOS on Github, it can be downloaded from there as a zipped project and extracted locally.

The file you download doesn't include any vendor or any javascript assets We, therefore, need to make sure Node.js and composer are available. Once downloaded, extract the content of the zip file on the directory where you want to install NexoPOS 4.x. Typically, that will either be "htdocs" or "www" on WAMP, XAMPP, etc. If the zip file include as main file a folder, it's the content of that folder that needs to be accessed after the extraction.

Installing NexoPOS 4.x

After having downloaded, the content of the folder should looks like this.

We now need to install PHP vendors and node modules in order to build NexoPOS 4.x. The step will look a little bit similar to the next step however, the command is a bit different. For instance, you'll need to use the following command to install PHP vendors :

composer install

The installation might take some time, but once it's set, you should normally have your .env file setup. Now you need to see how to install the node modules.

Download From Packagist

NexoPOS 4.x is also available on packagist, which is a repository of PHP packages. If Composer is correctly installed. you can create a project of NexoPOS 4.x by typing the following command on your CLI.

composer create-project blair2004/nexopos --prefer-dist --stability dev nexopos-4x

On the previous command will install NexoPOS 4.x with the stability "dev" on the folder "nexopos-4x" (you can rename it differently). By doing that, Composer will download and install at once all PHP packages and even set up the environment file.

From there, if everything is correctly setup (the environment), the download should be made without any problem. However, sometimes the .env file might not be created generating an error at the end of the installation. If that's the case, create a copy of the ".env.example" into ".env", and then run on the CLI :

composer dump-autoload

How To Install Node Modules And Build The Assets

If you're using NexoPOS 4.5 or greater, you can skip this section as the asset already comes included on NexoPOS.

However, if you've performed some changes to the source code (.vue, .ts files), then you need to install node modules in order to build the asset. In order to download node modules, you need to run (on the same directory where the .env.example file is located) :

npm install

Same as "composer install", this might take some time to download on the necessary modules. As NexoPOS 4.x uses TailwindCSS 2.0, you'll need to have Node.js 14.x at least, otherwise, the installation might fail.

Now node modules are installed. Let's build the assets by running the following command :

npm run prod

This command will build the CSS and the Javascript files using the webpack.mix.js file.

If you're able to see a similar output, you've successfully downloaded and build NexoPOS.

Defining Environment Variable

One the environment variable that needs to be defined is "SESSION_DOMAIN". In fact, NexoPOS needs to be aware of the domain where the application will be installed right before accessing the system on the browser. You, therefore, need to open the .env file located at the root of your project to define the environment variable.

If the APP_URL variable is not defined, you must define that as well. Note that "" should be the value of your actual domain. If you're installing locally, that might be: "localhost:8888", "". Either way, you need to define that variable before proceeding.

Next: Installation Wizard.